Living in a small town means everyone is involved in the fair. We have the best county fair ever. 4H is going strong in our community and it should. We are an agriculture community. I come from a farm family and my sister says it’s her goal and mission in life to feed the world and that is what we do in rural America. So being involved in the fair by either buying kids livestock or just helping out with judging fair entries is important to us. It is also good to get our head out of our phones, off of social media and interacting in person with our friends and neighbors. I’ve been struck lately how kids have to be entertained in 5 minute intervals. That seemed crazy to me but when I started thinking about it, I also need that. Its not uncommon for me to be watching something on a streaming service and and also on my phone checking email, shopping, checking social media. It’s stressful and demanding. This week we are putting down our phones and headed to the Goshen County Fair Grounds to sip lemon aid, eat corn on the cob and watch the live stock shows. We all need to slow down a bit and get back to what is important. Encouraging our County 4H kids to learn the skills of showmanship, book keeping, and care is way more important than if my social media posts are up to date.
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